
This document describes the tags that are available when using the Maven Uberdist Plug-in.


uber-dist:copyScriptsCopies launch scripts to a specified directory
uber-dist:getArtifactsRetreives the list of project artifacts (dependencies) along with their deploy directory in a Map supplied by the caller
uber-dist:registerProjectAdd a project to the distribution list to be built. Deprecated, do not use anymore
uber-dist:deregisterProjectRemoves a project from the distribution list to build Deprecated, do not use anymore


Copies launch scripts to a specified directory.

The files located in directory with matching pattern as described by property maven.uber.dist.launch.scripts are copied

using Ant filtering mechanism. See the goal: uber-dist:copy-scripts for the list of tokens that Uberdist replaces while copying the scripts.

The default value for the file pattern is: *.sh,*.cmd,*.bat

Parameter NameDescriptionOptional?
scriptsDirectoryThe path to the destination directory under the distribution assembly rootNo


Retreives the list of project artifacts (dependencies) along with their deploy directory in a Map supplied by the caller.

The list of dependencies published by the project bean is filtered as described by the Uberdist custom distribution properties. See the goal: uber-dist:copy-scripts for more details on the properties and their effect on deployed dependencies.

The list is then returned in the parameter: depArtifacts

Parameter NameDescriptionOptional?
depArtifactsA Java Map object that will hold all deployable dependencies. The dependency object returned by the pom.artifacts list are used as keys, deployment sub-directory as value.No


Deprecated, do not use anymore Register a project with uberdist plugin to get the complex distribution built.

NOTE: It is necessary to use this tag before calling any distribution goal so that

the plugin will be able to call the custom file copy goal in your project.

Parameter NameDescriptionOptional?
nameThe name of the distribution to buildNo


Deprecated, do not use anymore Removes a project from the list of distribution to be built.

Parameter NameDescriptionOptional?
nameThe name of the distribution to remove from build listNo