Property name | Description | Optional? |
maven.uber.dist.assembly.root |
The directory under the project's target dir under which the files that builds up the distribution should be copied to. It is also called the distribution assembly dir. maven.uber.dist.assembly.root=${}/dist-assembly | Yes |
maven.uber.dist.dir |
The directory under the project's target dir where the plugin puts the final distribution: tarball or zip files based on the OS under which it is created. maven.uber.dist.dir=${}/distributions | Yes |
maven.uber.dist.proj.subdir |
Specifies the sub-directory under the distribution assembly dir where the files for this project should be kept. This is necessary only if you are in a multiproject environment with seperate distributions under the same root target. | Yes |
maven.uber.dist.assembly.dir |
This property holds the directory where the distribution assembly is. By default, it is made of the concatenation of root dir followed by project sub-dir if any. maven.uber.dist.assembly.dir=${maven.uber.dist.assembly.root}/${maven.uber.dist.proj.subdir} | Yes |
maven.uber.dist.executable.permission |
This property holds the rights supplied to chmod command when running the goal:uber-dist:make-executable This property uses the default value: maven.uber.dist.executable.permission=gu+x | Yes |
maven.uber.dist.executable.includes |
This property holds a pattern that allow the goal uber-dist:make-executable to recognize on which files the chmod command should be run. maven.uber.dist.executable.includes=**/*.sh,**/*.so | Yes |
maven.uber.dist.scripts.dir |
This property holds the path to the root directory where execution scripts for the project are kept. These are copied (with token filtering) by the goal:uber-dist:copy-scripts This property does NOT have a default value so if you want some scripts to be copied, a value must be supplied otherwise, the copy-scripts goal is skipped. maven.uber.dist.scripts.dir='' | Yes |
maven.uber.dist.launch.scripts |
This property holds the pattern that identify a file as a script to be copied with token filtering while executing the goal:uber-dist:copy-scripts maven.uber.dist.launch.scripts=*.sh,*.cmd,*.bat | Yes |
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